Country/Region of Manufacture: United States
A Great little SOLO CANOE MAD RIVER SLIPPER Weight 50# length 14 foot 8 inches ( per mfg specs I think I is 48 pounds) checking and getting a mfg catalog from the year the only difference is that Kevlar and fiberglass is about 10 pounds differnet. I took the bathroom scale out and weighted the unit and it is closer to 50 pounds, thus it would be the FIBERGLASS MODEL 28 inches across middle of boat it has been my go to canoe for the last couple years, but as you can see my canoe trailer is full and I need to put a larger canoe on it. 7 of them does not work on a 6 place trailer. So to thin the heard, this is my cull- the most valuable one. Handles well, easy to load and manage.
Pushes well into the wind, well balanced and turns well but still handles good also without a thick keel I don't like it simply due to the fact I am normaly with someone else or the kids and this boat does not work well for the extra fidgety "help". Too close of proximity to cast ( ouch hooks). I feel I could overload it fast and not have the advantages the water displacement offers. As it is I am about the max 6-8 inch freeboard recommended, which does not translate well in rough water I sometime like to find on the rivers last picture is a trip I took this fall- felt like Canada in northern Wisconsin. NO sign of humans for many years Includes a wooden Portage yoke ( not shown - in storage) could use a oil coat on gunwales ( se that this is the recommendation by mfg- not varnish like I thought), seat is OK has all the caning in place, a good colored wax or even turtle wax would do wonders to the bottom to make it shine.
Does not seem to have any cracks in the gel coat just some scratches I can't seem to figure out if it is fiberglass or Kevlar both have the same mfg technique on mounting the wood from my reading SN is MADJX396D989 so manufactured in 1989 If I find it I have a double paddle in storage here I could include- this does help for paddling as a solo to keep you straight. I did not like using that for floating after ducks as it was like having a large black flag in the air and I like the normal paddle to do pulls and pries on the small quick water. So for sales of these I see that they are out on the market for about $1300. But Rhinelander is not up state NY where the other one was found on an internet search. Shipping is on your dime, payment is expected with-in 7 days.
I can store till a more convenient time for pick-up even if month latter, it will be outdoors on the trailer. U ship is also available on a trailer for shipping, I had a card for a guy who goes east a bit. I may be talked into delivering if I happen to have a reason to go that direction. Duluth? Illinois, Iowa???? I do travel Wisconsin a bit for work and family.
Plan on attending the antique sporting and advertizing show in Oshkosh in a week and can meet up there.
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